After the wonderful experience with the bicycle ride "Cultural heritage through Prilep Field", just for you we prepare the "Cultural heritage through Strumica Field", which will be held on 13 September this year.
There will be two types of routes through the Strumica Field. One is Flat and the other one is High.
The Flat route:
The Flat route passes 7 villages and is completely on asphalt with a length of 21 km. Its total ascent is 225 m, makes it perfect recommendation for people that really want to have an easy ride, with no tough parts, for beginners and urban cyclists as well.
It is a real joy for families, for kids and for bicycle riders that instead of rushing, choose to relax during the bicycle ride and learn some new things about the Field.
Your city bike is very much appropriate for this type of route, so feel free to come with it.
High route:
The High route passes 7 villages and one lake. It is 35 km long, out of which 10 km are downhill, and 5 km of that is a dirt road. It has also 6 km of uphill with steep gradient on asphalt. The total ascent is 627 m. This route is intended for experienced bicycle riders, those that want a challenge, uphill, and a good downhill on a wide dirt road. Naturally, the uphill has its advantages – a view over the Strumica Field from above. Because there is a section of downhill on a dirt road, we highly recommend a bicycle with suspension and a helmet.
What do you need for participation:
- Good will;
- Registration;
- Functioning bicycle, equipped in according to Macedonian laws;
- Comfortable clothes for a bicycle ride (take extra clothes for change, rain coats and sun screen);
The event will provide you with:
- Planned route that is the safest possible;
- Marked route;
- People directing you along the way;
- People for bicycle repair in case of need;
- Drinks to refresh you and snacks to energize you;
- Custodians to share their knowledge for places with cultural meaning;
- Volunteers on bike , First Aid certified, available along the ride;
- Ambulance vehicle following the group and accessible if needed;
- Support vehicle following the group too, and accessible if needed;
- Lunch;
- And a final surprise for the participants!
You need to fulfil and send the application form (application form) and also cover the participation fee.
The cost for participation is 550 macedonian denars (450 denars for those deciding to come as early as possible), with no transport included.
Participation for children under 14 is free, but have to be accompanied by their parents.
Organized transport from Skopje to Strumica and back is 560 denars per person (there is bus for participants and a lorry for the bikes).
The registration ends on 5 September 2015.
If you register before 22 August, the participation fee is 450 denars!
Important dates:
- August 1st – start of registration
- August 22nd – participation fee becomes more expansive
- September 5th – end of registration
- September 13th – The Event
This event is organized from Sustainable Initiatives, Skopje and VK Aktiv, Strumica, in partnership with Municipilty Strumica. It is supported by Municipilty Vasilevo, Agrofruktus - Strumica, Grozd - Strumica, Intermaks - Strumica, Resana - Strumica, Stefano 97-Skopje, Velosipedski Servis Siti Bajk - Strumica.
Media support : MPM, Nova Makedonija, MKD.mk, to4ak.
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Dimitar +389 70 214680
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Promo video for the event.