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Prilep Field

 Prilep Field, flat terrain surrounded with sharp rocks. Place that inspired a lot of Macedonian artists throughout the ages. This time it is calling you to come and feel its power on the day when 74 years ago a shot marked the beginning of a New Era for Macedonia, Era for Freedom.

Completely different route with a completely different experience.

 The cost for participation is 450 denars, with no transport included.
 Participation for children under 14 is free when accompanied by a parent.
 Registration lasts till 4 October 2015. 
 For those registered till 22 September participation cost is 350 denars. 
 Organized transport from Skopje to  Prilep is 600 denars per person (there is bus for participants and a lorry for the bikes).
 If you ride Max bicycles, you get a special discount and the participation fee for you is 100 denars.

Prilep Field

Day - Saturday, 10 October 2015.
Start - Krivogashtani  at 11 a.m.
End - Krivogashtani at 5 p.m.

Green route:
 Suitable for people with little experience in cycling, for urban cyclists and children as well. Total length is 32 km, asphalt local roads through villages. Total ascending is 184 m.

Yellow route:
 Route appropriate for experienced cyclists wanting longer distances that will provide more from Prilep Field. Total length is 50 km, asphalt local roads through villages. Total ascending is 278 metres.

What do you need for participation:
- Will to come;
- Registration and application form sent via mail;
- Participation cost covered; 
- An appropriate bicycle, according to Macedonian laws;
-Comfortable clothes for a bicycle ride (take extra clothes for change, rain coats and sun screen);

The event will provide you:
- Very well planned route and the safest one;
- Markings visible during the ride;
- People directing you along the way;
- People for bicycle repair in case of need;
- Drinks to refresh you and snacks to energize you; 
- Custodians to share their knowledge for places with cultural meaning;
- Volunteers on bike, First Aid certified, available along the ride;
- Ambulance vehicle following the group and accessible if needed;
- Support vehicle following the group too, and accessible if needed;
- Lunch;

Marko's Stone

 The event is organized by Sustainable Initiatives, Skopje and VK Ilinden,  Prilep, in partnership with Municipilty of Krivogashtani. It is supported by Municipilty of Krushevo , Furna Aleks - Prilep, Prilep Brewery, Agrotehna - Skopje and Stefano 97 - Skopje.

Media support : Nova Makedonija,, to4ak,

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