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 Pelagonia and especially Prilep Field abounds in natural and cultural features. Prilep Municipality has 198 registered cultural monuments alone. It is the biggest number of all municipalities in Macedonia. While the municipalities of Doleni and Krivogastani also have things to show and stories to tell. Still, Prilep Field is known for its tobacco fields, while its cultural value is hiding in the shadow of lack of promotion. Therefore the Civil Organization “Sustainable Initiatives” from Skopje, together with the Bicycle Club “Ilinden” from Prilep are inviting you to an educational and promotional bicycle tour baring the title “The Cultural Heritage Through The Prilep Field”.

Prilep Field

 The bicycle tour “Cultural Heritage Through The Prilep Field” will be held on 14 September 2014. The time period will enable for you to experience the Prilep Field in its golden-yellow colour and to witness the last days of the green tobacco fields.


 The idea is to attract people from Macedonia, but also foreigners to visit the Prilep Field on a bicycle. The field is flat, with some hills, so the terrain is suitable for anyone to ride a bicycle along the not frequent local roads. The tour it self is foreseen to be an easy one, if not the easiest organized bicycle tour in Macedonia. It is all with the aim for anyone to be able to participate. Along the foreseen route there will be a number of stopping points where the objects of cultural heritage are located and where a custodian will tell the stories for those objects. Naturally, it is foreseen that through sponsors will be provided refreshments and snacks on the places where there is no water or there is a need for greater refreshment.

 The tour will be 50 km long and will be on asphalt roads. However, on a request by XMKD, it is foreseen that there will be an option for the active bicycle riders. The tour for these participants will be 88 km long and will include about 20 km of dirt roads. Still, both groups will ride together from one to another cultural heritage place. This way the tour will be interesting for both occasional and experienced bicycle riders.
 If you are a beginner, and you are not sure if you can ride for 50 km, know that in those 50 km, there will be five places (better said seven, including the beginning and the end) that will be visited. On each of these places there will be brakes of 15 to 30 minutes. This way the beginner participants will not feel the overall length of the tour. And if you do get tiered and can not continue, there will be a vehicle that will help you.
 The route will connect the three municipalities of Prilep Field: Prilep, Dolneni, and Krivogastani. To be exact, the tour will start in Prilep, it will pass through Dolneni, and it will end in Krivogastani.

Prilep Field

 For participation to this tour there will be a fee of 11,5 Euros (700 Macedonian denars), which will be used to cover some of the organizational expenses. Naturally, transport to the start of the tour and back will be organized where an interest exists, like from Skopje, and this will cost extra. The details regarding this will be published soon, and by then we encourage you to book your place because the number of participants to this tour will be limited. Simply send a message to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 For those that wish to come with their own transportation, please know that this is not a circular tour, and that means that the route will be 17 km longer for them. However, there is organized transport to cover this distance regardless of the way people came. For beginners and urban bicycle users it is recommended to come with the organized transport.


 We hope that this bicycle tour will be promotional in the sense that it will spur visits to the Prilep Field beyond this event, whether of recreational or tourist character. At the same time we encourage the participants that want to come with their own transportation to spend the whole weekend 13-14 September in the Prilep Field and to enjoy in the opportunities that it offers. We stand at your disposal for consultation if someone want so visit the Prilep Field out of the scope of this event. Feel free to contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 This event is supported by:

Ministry of Culture Macedonia Timeless

Krivogastani Dolneni Prilep

XMKD Furnice ALex

Donna Vera Costa d'Oro Adriana

Nova Makedonija

 If you too wish to support this event, it is never late to do that. Send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Visit regularly for further information.

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